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Heating Oven for high solids materials like corian, Hi-MACS, Staron, Kerrock, Betacryl etc. Two Versions available 2000x1000mm and 1000x1000mm. Both can have single or Top and Bottom heated surfaces.
Ideal solutions for manufactures who need additional oven for their bending and thermoforming presses or if their oven is broken but vacuum press still operational
Each 1000x1000mm section is heated separately with their own dedicated temperature sensor. So for example 2000x1000mm with TOP/BOTTOM heating sections has 4no 1000x1000mm heated plates with 4no heating controls.
This is to ensure even spread of heat when for example fresh corian piece is inserted into oven and can lower for first minute heat readings.
Sturdy Construction on castors so when not in use can be stored without taking space in workshops.
TOP/BOTTOM Heating has an air assisted LID which opens by pressing a button
Single heating plate manual opening